
Fetchbook Theme – Special Edition Theme

Please like this theme if you are using it. (or if you just genuinely like the theme.)

Inspired by the theme Mean Girls and Fetchbook manips on google.

{live preview} | {dowload}

Well here it is, for you glen coco. I firsted started to talk about my plans for fetchbook a few months ago, and they proved very popular. I had a go at making it but was not as sucessful as I might have hoped, but I’ve been working on it since then and with some help from Elleusine who created tumblrbook I have managed to finally work it out.

  • If you are using this theme (or just like it) please click like. 
  • If you would like custom links, you have to set them as pages. To do that go on the old customizer ( and click the tab which says ‘pages’ and Add a page.
  • Comes with a built in online users counter.
  • You have the option of showing posts you’ve liked on the right hand side under the about. (To disable this feature go on customize-classic and click the appearance tab, and untick the box which says ‘Show Likes.’
  • You can also show who you follow in the left, under the profile picture, which removes the need for a blogroll. You can show 5, 10, or 20 following.
  • If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask me.

Regina’s Fetchbook page =) I love this!