











very pretty

what makes me sad about this though is that she is going against her own natural looks. i may sound like one of those annoying people who say that “you were born beautiful! blah blah blah” but the fact that she has blue eye contacts in on top of her straightened hair i cant help but look at this and think about how much cultural bias has gotten her to this point of needing to hide her ethnicity to be “pretty”.

I’m just going to assume this nice girl doesn’t follow my blog. I’m entirely sure how I don’t look black in this picture. I mean I see so many chicks photoshop their pictures to make their skin lighter, I didn’t even do that. I get where she is coming from but this is not me putting on makeup to look like another ethnicity.

Sigh……I am so sick of seeing these damn people post about black girls self hating and changing their features. What is it to anyone? She embraced a fashion like any other women in the world. Just because her skin is darker, her hair is naturally curly, and her eyes are brown doesn’t mean she is self hating. Make up and cosmetics is just a form of art. She is not permanently changing, or hurting anyone. Most girls into this fashion are not even trying to look natural (to any human race standards). I am sure no one goes to the gym and says “you’re all self hating because your sculpting your bodies in an unnatural way” or scream at women tanning on the beaches and tanning beds. Black women have no room to do anything. We are always compared, and alienated. Let us find our beauty in our own way. Whether it is a natural fro, or contacts that enlarge eyes. 


Misha, yes. She looks fucking gorgeous and I’m pretty certain majority of girls who attempt to do this style are more into the artistic aspect of it than concerning themselves with race and how it is so far from our natural features, therefore, it is an expression of self hatred. Are you kidding me with that bullshit? gtfo. These type of comments are so old, I’m nearly at a point where I don’t even care to respond to them but I had to on this post.

How does it affect you though.? Why can’t black girls EVERRRR do anything outside the box without someone saying “she hates herself”. No my dear…it is called FASHION. I don’t sit up here and say brunettes hate themselves when they dye their hair blond, or when they tan that they wanna be black. Stop commenting on what we do! We’re here to please us…not your ass. Sorry for the profanity..but i’ve had enough of this shit. 

She looks perfect, and I think that anyone who says otherwise is a hater. Honestly you can’t measure how “black” a person is. And you know what so what if her hair isn’t “natural”, shoes aren’t natural. We still wear them. So sure contacts aren’t natural, who gives a fuck?

They either tell us we’re being “ghetto” “ratchet” or “self-hating.” It’s stupid!

Be WHOEVER you wanna be! I think Malice is adorable…

I think she looks gorgeous. And, in response to the comment about this girl “hating” herself: i see a lot of white and Hispanic girls straighten their hair as well. It’s just another style option for hair, just like cutting it or coloring it or wearing Loli wigs.