I was walking through town today holding my friend’s hand when a woman in her mid-thirties came storming up to me, slapped me across the face and pushed my friend into the wall. She said we were disgusting for holding hands, forcing our sexual orientation on others. First of all, just because two girls are holding hands, it doesn’t mean it’s about sexual orientation. Secondly, Forcing ourselves? We were on a shopping spree, holding hands, how is that forcing our sexual orientation in ANYONE’S face? And Finally, WHO GIVES A RAT’S ASS! Who I choose to be with is MY choice, no one else’s. No one else gets a say. It’s my heart and my choice. If she WAS my girlfriend, I wouldn’t even think for a second before holding her hand in public. People are so damn rude. Holding hands if forcing your sexual orientation? How about when a girl kisses her boyfriend? Is that forcing heterosexuality? No. Be yourself and be with who you want. No one else matters.


A complete stranger slapped you?! For that??!! Handholding?! Have people lost it?!