
You Say, We Say, They Say

You say Black is Beautiful but you diss me on the internet because of my dark tone
You say Black is Beautiful but because I’m light skinned I have less flaws
You say Black is Beautiful but you say I’m pretty… for a dark-skinned girl
You say Black is Beautiful and you put your fist in the air while at the same time beating me down
because you claim a dark skin woman can take a beating better
You say Black is Beautiful but you see no problem with those in the media disrespecting dark skinned females
You say Black is Beautiful but only if I’m dark enough to be called exotic
You say Black is Beautiful but your actions show that you hate black, and don’t want to be black

You say Black is Beautiful but if I’m light skinned I’ll cheat on you
You say Black is Beautiful but you place yourself as a second-class citizen
You say Black is Beautiful but your negative perceptions mirror those who enslaved us
You say Black is Beautiful but you chose me strictly based on my lighter tone
You say Black is Beautiful but then why does it matter how I wear my hair
You say Black is Beautiful but you don’t know what true beauty is
You say Black is Beautiful but the definition of it is affected by those in the media
You say Black is Beautiful but I don’t buy it.

You don’t think you’re beautiful. You don’t think you’re handsome. I don’t know if you think at all.

You don’t have to speak these words for me to know them
I was raised by a black mother. A black father. And no, their shade does not matter to me.
I guess sometimes I laugh
At our people. Our ignorance. Our arrogance.
Sometimes it’s better than crying.
Words without meaning, you’ve muddied the image
I was told I was beautiful for being me
I was told black is beautiful because of our history
I was told black is beautiful because of our struggle
I was told black is beautiful because of the legend we as a people embody
I was told black is beautiful for all shades
I was told black defines itself, but never forgets where it came from
I was told a lot of things about being black
Everyone has their own opinions

You say Black is Beautiful?
I live it.

-Deana Bolumbu

Beautiful & Heartbreaking