So much creative energy!

I love national poetry month! I love that it’s inktober! There’s creative juices flowing from everywhere! the creative energy is astounding! I’m in paradise! I’m high off the artistic flows! Yes! Yes! Write! Draw! Why is everything so streamlined and plain in this modern era? When it comes to design, artistic elements are considered expensive -extensive, but no I find them necessary! Not that streamlines & modern art aren’t creative, they mark our era just like any other art-form would, but still, I think intricate details are understated right now. Gimme an isle of commercial products that look like the inktober tag and i’ll give you my money big corporations. Art is so undervalued. I love artists who are brave enough to share their work and work on commissions. I salute you! Because I know that you don’t make enough. Most people won’t pay what you deserve for it, and lots of your work goes under-appreciated.