Monday is NOT your enemy. It’s not the reason you’re tired, or don’t feel like going to school/work. It isn’t the reason you didn’t get enough coffee, or a scapegoat to blame for that 8:30 am meeting. Monday exists and that’s it. Monday is what you make of it. If you make it a crutch to carry your already sour attitude, then that’s what Monday will become. So, instead of spending your time personifying and blaming Monday, focus that precious energy on finding happiness. Little bits of happiness throughout your day. A warm smile from a coworker or friend, a beautiful rose garden on your daily commute, your favorite midday snack… They may not be so easy to spot at first, but if you do a little optimistic digging, you’ll come up with something. And hey, if you don’t, there’s always Denny’s. Happiness can always be found at Denny’s. Promise.