Ahead of me, the water is smiling
With cold blue lips, asking for a kiss.

The waves lick my toes, and the pebbles
Crunch like gripping hands beneath me.

I step forward – tentative – expectant –
Waiting to see if I’ll be greeted in – deeper.

Could any amount of water truly drown
My sorrows? Could the weight of oceans

Truly finish me? Or would I float,
In an endless river, alive, and broken.

I close my eyes. I can see it now:
Sinking beneath the waves,

Closing my eyes – the fear – the cold –
The panic – gasping for air… The End.

A voice interrupts me. Am I okay?
I nod and force a smile. I’m fine.

Run away from the water. I shake
My head – blink my eyes – draw a deep,

Comforting breath of fresh air. I see life.
It stretches out before me like the sea.

Unknown. Endless. Deadly. But real.

broken poetry