
Venus in Taurus – Venus Slice and Cherry Ice

Venus in Taurus people are generous, patient and sensual in heart rhythm. They are largely concerned with establishing enduring partnerships and throw tremendous loyalty, devotion and faith into relationships. Venus Taureans are tactile individuals who prefer tangible evidence of love. They are hyper sensitive to aroma, silk sheets, touch; aroused by sensory delight and offset by uncomfortable room temperature or colour. Venus Taureans are pleasure loving individuals who relish upon being blanketed by their creature comforts. They douse themselves in vanilla perfume so their skin intermixes into sweet milky fusion, drench their hair in retro lacquer and leave their cinnamon trace on the pillow.

Taurus is at home in Venus and the Love Goddess luxuriates sitting in the aloe, sensual Earth sign. They will cautiously invest themselves in relationships and evade discussing deep, penetrating feelings until they feel settled. Once the Venus Taurus heart has been set alight, the flame does not die quietly. Venus Taureans are largely security concerned in relationships and become easily anxious by an erratic or nomadic partner. The typical Fixed response of Taurus can trigger possessive behavior in love and a sense of ownership. They enjoy spoiling loved ones with material comforts and relish having somebody to cuddle up beside under moonlight. These individuals are severely concerned with the welfare of the people they care about and easily flitter into anxiety when somebody is five minutes late or off schedule. Venus Taureans are highly creative people who may possess special talents in music, art, creative writing and poetry. They are typically fond of romance novels, cinema, interior design, décor and may have beautiful singing voices. Their artistic eyes and sensual receptiveness can concoct quite a profound visionary.

Venus in Taurus personalities plant their partner on a royal throne and bedazzle them with affection and diamonds. Even when they withdraw from the world and hide in their own bubble, people continue to rely upon these individuals and become soothed in their presence. These personalities have a well developed sense of foresight and there will be a great sense of pride in their belongings. They may enjoy nature walks, candles, crystals, botanical gardens and anywhere with luscious tree life; capable of enjoying 1:1 time with nature away from people. Venus Taureans are warm in approach and generally appreciated by their company. Their inherent sense of duty implements an admirable conservative responsibility and tenacious will, although the battle between head and heart is their biggest combat effort. Their hearts can be saturated in soul nauseating love, even when their mind echoes ‘there’s no point!’. There are few in the world truly worthy of the love on offer by a Venus Taurus, and they are the pure goddess beauty, radiating the sensual seasons, a walking ecological garden, a Venus flower blossom spritzing cosmic delight across the rest of the zodiac.