I swear, we were living with our heads up in the clouds and with our feet far from the ground, dangling over the edge of the nearest cliff, daring each other to slip closer to the yawning chasm. Always closer, always higher, always more. And we did, we got closer and closer until my heart nearly stopped with the thrill of doing something dangerous and for heaven’s sake, every day with you was like this. Bigger, faster, louder, better. One night we ran screaming, waving our arms over our heads, our naked feet beating against the hot concrete, only stopping to take a breath when the black clouds above us burst open and the sky filled with thunder and lightning and our hair and our clothes were soaked. The air smelled like rain and adventure, the way it only does in summer, and even though my cheeks were stained black with mascara, you told me I was looking my best and the rain mixed with my tears and I couldn’t tell them apart anymore. Because that was when you told me you were leaving and I had to figure out a way to break the fall on my own. I wonder if it would have been easier to fall out of love with somebody else. Because with you I fell harder.

I do not regret falling for you