To those of you condemning what’s happening in Charlottesville from the safety of other states, don’t forget that a lot of us actually live there or somewhere else in Virginia.


I know some of y’all find it hard to believe, but those Nazis and klansmen legit live in Virginia. This is not a multi-state conglomeration that represents the last dying embers of white supremacy in the United States. They’ve always been here. When I say that I grew up in Klan country. I mean it quite literally. Them motherfuckers ain’t went nowhere. They didn’t die off. They didn’t move. They didn’t “grow out of it.” The only thing now is that they’re slicker about it.

I bet you that after they go home, not a single one will lose their jobs or be turned down for a job even though their actual faces as plastered all over the internet. Because we have to live with these people. They’re the neighbors. They’re the cops. They’re the invisible hands of businesses and institutions all over this state.

Make no mistake. This is not sudden. This is not an anomaly. This is not just because of Trump. These people have always been here, but y’all didn’t listen when the people who lived here all our lives, the ones outside the pretty, tourist attraction side of town, told you.