My philosophy is this: Everyone is going to die sooner or later so why not make the best out of life while it lasts? Learn more. Take control more. And make the most out of pleasure as long as you are still breathing. Follow your heart while you still have time. Shoot for the stars while they are still twinkling. While the gift of youth is still within you. And you have to travel a lot, especially in your mind. Study its strengths and use them to your own advantage. Studying one’s self is the greatest art there is, and it is a courageous way to lead your life. And be the master of your life. You are series of great victories and great defeats. Keep your head up high and keep overcoming. Keep winning and keep wanting for more. Not everyone is capable of happiness, but everyone is capable of fulfillment. It doesn’t matter what you do as long it is something that you really are in love and passionate about. Life has no meaning unless you give it one. Find it as long as you are breathing and be free and be loved and be unapologetically you.

Juansen Dizon, Philosophy of Life (via juansendizon)