Taurus is savoring of every facet of life through their methods of perception. They’re the types to eat slowly to enjoy every bite (taste); they have an eye for beauty and exquisite aesthetic awareness, creating someone with unique fashion and decorative sense (vision); they are welcoming of sweet sensuality, they vibrate sexual energy. They also give noticeably strong and secure embraces (touch); they are sensitive to pleasant smells, perhaps the most inclined to be lovers of candles (olfaction) and they are responsive to pleasant sounds and serene environments, they are that person to always have ear buds listening to music or playing songs subtly in the background within their spaces (hearing). Taurus typically has soft, low voices, as they are not ones to chatter aimlessly, but when they are inspired or enraged their tone soars through the room with clarity. Taurus governs the throat, taste buds, vocal chords.