paperfury: Girls don’t want boys. Girls want to glide down ladders in their own private library while their red cloak flutters behind them, owning swords and many chocolates, with fast WiFi at all times.
Author Archives: HislilAngel
jerkchesterx: SANSA STARK I am Sansa Stark of Winterfell. This is my home. And you can’t frighten me
marshmalllovv: Cupcake Sugar Cubes My Edit // Source
jeffs-buckley: “Sometimes you can achieve grace through somebody else’s belief in you.” — Jeff Buckley
wordsnquotes: “amorevolous” — (adjective, 1670-1670) An obscure and obsolete word, amorevolous is characterized as loving and affectionate. It is impossible to comprehend what caused the death of this elegant word in the English lexicon, since it contains ancient roots. Therefore, it is difficult to ignore its etymology; it possesses the word amor, which in Latin is love. Its …