andantegrazioso: Butterfly crown | hermioneharbutt
Author Archives: HislilAngel
How to tell if it’s getting bad again:
threebabies: – sleeping too much or not at all – eating too much or too little – sounding disinterested in everything – being spaced out a lot – rambling a lot or not talking at all – losing track of time – making cynical comments, usually about yourself – pushing people away – tend to …
fullcravings: Valentine’s Day Macarons
radiant-gracidea: «🐇»
wordwarii: 🥀
astrolocherry: in taurus there is an ancient being who is easily tired and inactive, content, preferring of the simple life and routine with an insatiable sweet tooth and nonchalance and a young girl who is self and image conscious and trying desperately to self-discipline, perfect, and polish herself
babyanimalgifs: This made my day