mattynoir: “do you have a poem for me a rose wrapped in the pages of an old thrifted book yellowing and with frayed corners once belonging to a beautiful stranger do you have a rose for me a poem grown out of the fertile ground the womb of mother nature dipped red in the lust …
Author Archives: HislilAngel
jessabella-hime: My Edit | { ♡ }
jessabella-hime: My Edit | { ♡ }
dreamhousecafe: never forget how special you are insta || shop || youtube
dreamhousecafe: you are not a burden ig: peachflavoredtea || shop
kiyumie: Source – My edit
wistfullgiselle: me? I have achievable dreams, like becoming a handmaid of aphrodite and spending the rest of eternity lounging with nymphs in streams and making mortals fall in love with each other.
pinkakuma: x | ❥悪魔