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Author Archives: HislilAngel
wirginia-voolf: “And perhaps something good has been sprouting in the small numb darkness all this while.” – Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath.
Psalm 33
Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous; befitting is the praise of the upright. 2Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to Him with ten strings. 3Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully with a shout of joy. 4For the word of the LORD is upright, and all His work is trustworthy. 5The …
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A great nation is not saved by wars, it is saved by acts without external picturesqueness; by speaking, writing, voting reasonably; by smiting corruption swiftly; by good temper between parties; by the people knowing true men when they see them, and preferring them as leaders to rabid partisans and empty quacks. William James