fuckyahumor: “I grew up with anxiety; I have no idea what my personality is like without it. I just wish people would stop assuming I’m rude or just shy because I’m not.” — (via hefuckin)
Author Archives: HislilAngel
daily-positive-affirmations: Make sure to repeat this to yourself through out the day ♡
poutaes: merry bwismas 2019: day I Tae looking as gorgeous as ever with his black hair 💘🖤
ecoanxieties: can we ever truly separate our feelings about our mothers’ sadness from our feelings about our own childhood sadness, watching her? our own sadness as women who watch our loved ones marry men like our fathers? our own sadness if we were stuck in our mothers’ lives?
novice-heartbreaker: a masterpiece like no other, beautifully and wonderfully made.
00v: … it’s 2019 and I’m still on tumblr
brokenonlydoll: late 19th century perfume bottles
thestylesindependent: Harry for the Guardian Weekend magazine
mommynij: REPEAT AFTER ME : I am about to walk into the greatest year of my life✨