吉野山 (Yoshinoyama – Mount Yoshino) is a cherry blossom spot in Nara, Japan with a very thoughtful concept of planting the trees in four different groves at different altitudes, so that the flowers bloom in gradation over time. That way, the cherry blooms that otherwise last only for a very brief time can be enjoyed all spring long. Although it also means there will never be a complete full bloom from top to bottom, it’s a kind gesture to give a chance for more people whether they come early, on time, or late into the season. I think that’s beautiful.
– they will wiggle their eye stalks in excitement – they have favorite places to sleep and favorite friends to sleep with – they’re good for your skin so let them run around on ur face!!! – they can feel their shells, which means they can feel u pet them (pet gently!!) – u can help a snail with a broken shell by giving it eggshells or cuttlebones to scrape (the calcium helps them patch up!) – they like a change of scenery and will explore all day if u change something – absolute cuddle bugs. love to snuggle with u, with friends, with dirt – u can hear them chew!! listen closely when u feed them….. asmr – as distinct as snowflakes, every single one is different!! i can tell all of my snails apart easily – babies. absolute baby children – speaking of babies, baby garden snails are no bigger than raindrops and translucent… delicate!! keep in a separate enclosure until they’re bigger!! baby jail!!! – some snails are shy……… kiss them. they are important