Girls I Daydream About:


Faeries with different types of flora blooming from their heads who smell of spring flowers and leave petals all around.
Their voice is soft like a whisper, they’re playful and funloving, carrying smiles on their faces wherever they go.

Mermaids with tails that shimmer under the sun while they float on their backs staring up at the sky. I can hear them singing songs for me as I look out over crystal lakes in the summertime. They bring me seashells from their world, and I offer them small trinkets from mine.

Water nymphs who dance gracefully near secluded ponds in the forest, with kelp braided into their hair. Mysterious visions which I can only catch flashes of before they vanish into their pools of water.

Royal princesses with soft, decadent lips and sparkling eyes that match the gemstones in their crowns. I readily kneel before her, eager to serve.  Satin gloves lightly brush my hands as she hands me a jewel-encrusted sword, and I vow to protect her highness.

Mischevious pixies with dust that tastes like sugar on my fingertips. They’re small enough to sit in the palm of my hand. I can hear their giggles in the woods and feel their gentle tugs on my hair every so often. They tap my shoulders as I wander through their forest. If I should fall asleep, I will wake to my hair braided and tiny colorful kiss marks all over my face.

Angels who try to uplift you with every word from their lips. She always seems to find the right words to say when you need them the most. One crack of her wings could part the trees and send you flying, but instead, she carries you through the air more gentle than anything you have ever felt. She worries about you, and her tears slide like pearls down her cheeks leaving you speechless at her grace.

Girls I also daydream about:

Lamia with venomous fangs and a giant gaping maw, dripping with toxins only I’m immune too. She has a tail that could crush me to death and a hiss in her voice that lures me closer. The slits in her eyes send chills down my spine, and if I stare too long, I find myself frozen in her gaze.

A deep sea siren with large black eyes and teeth like needles. The mermaids skin is grey, and a small glowing light dangles from her forehead. Long white hair flows from her head and effortlessly in the water. The ocean swirls around us as she pulls me deeper into its gloom. I cannot breathe in her embrace, but I feel at peace nevertheless.

An elegant vampire with long pointed fangs and gleaming red eyes.  She visits me at night singing her haunting melody. She urges me to open the balcony door and invite her into my bedroom, so she can kiss the places she wants to bite next. Her voice is silky and beautiful; I find myself walking towards the door.

A shy haunted doll that stands at eye level with me waits in the darkness. The sleeveless dress she wears falls above her knees, revealing her delicate glass body and ball joints. Her movements are stiff, her eyes vacant. I only see her at midnight. She seems so lonely; this must be why she’s reaching out to me from the closet, her porcelain fingertips so long and thin.

A cocky werewolf with glowing yellow eyes and muscular arms pins me to the bed.  I run my fingers through her wild hair, and she snarls at me, showing off her oversized ivories. Traces of her fur are on my bedsheets, and I can still feel the claw marks down my back long after she’s gone.

A sweet witch who wears a crystal around her neck that always shines when she kisses me, but even more distracting are the symbols on her body that light up like fire when I lay beneath her. She’s always casting spells and whispering to herself.
I’m captivated by her smile and the way her lipstick never smears on my skin.

A succubus that looks over me while I sleep. She’s curious about me and stares unblinking from the darkness in the corner. I can feel the immense heat from her breath. The demon says she wants to protect me from what lurks in the shadows, although she’s the only thing I’ve seen. Her large horns curl at the tips and her burning kiss tastes of soot. The smile never fades from her face, and I never feel alone when I’m with her… or when she leaves.

What girls do you daydream about?