i’ve never been good with worthy possesions.
because i easily break them, careless that i am.
which is why i ask you now, to fall with caution.
i can’t say i won’t break you, careless that i am.
for your sake: don’t give me your heart, or love.
i  don’t trust myself with it, and neither should you.

aumirah // @a-quietsoul





being touchstarved makes u absolutely buckwild when someone does smth simple like .share a chair with u

like having someone touch your hand with the tips of their fingers shouldn’t feel like So Much it shouldn’t feel like your whole body is going into anaphylactic shock but here we are. here we are.

ok 2 many of u relate

Someone gave me a compliment and reached out and squeezed my hand and I fell in love and couldn’t speak for several minutes