when mary shelley said “i am unstable, sometimes melancholy, and have been called on some occasions imperious; but i never did an ungenerous act in my life. i sympathise warmly with others, and have wasted my heart in their love”
please make sure that wherever you’re at in life, you don’t treat it like a transitory period. don’t waste your college years wishing to already be graduated & have a job. don’t waste your single years wishing for someone to be in love with. if/when those things come, they will come in due time and they will be good. but there is nothing like looking back and feeling empty because you wasted literal years ignoring what you had because you were hoping for something better. while it’s important to better yourself and reach for your goals, don’t neglect the present because that’s where you are now and it’s your now that determines your future.
Kinda wanna fuck around and live in a Victorian castle where you hear footsteps at night and it’s always rainy so it smells like earth and dew soaked roses. The garden behind the castle is filled with flowers and statues of angels whose eyes follow you. I’m involved with the ghosts that visit me at night and find myself in some kind of tragically beautiful mystery. I’m friends with the fae and have picnics by the lake with ornate teacups. I set out raspberries for the fairies to drink from.