WANT!! THIS for my back-to-school backpack! Please!
Tag Archives: cute
This video just saved my butt!I was just chillin at my finacé’s place playing with his baby sister when she goes and has an accident all over me, my outfit, and his bed. I had to jump in the shower and peel off my clothes immediately when I realized I didn’t have anything to change …
gr8sh: Reblog if you wish you can just spend the whole day in front of your laptop~ andd browse the web, watch movies, and tumblr all day long. Doodle request by star-glitter: Well, I would like a doodle that: There’s a girl sitting on the floor or bed with her laptop. Any kind of background …
mcysmiles: This is too cute. Thank you Gretch.
gr8sh: Art Trade with Doodle nurse~ hfuwefhwebe This one looks kinda rough. *must fix later*. bvdeysfbiuegfn I can’t think of a nice background for now T_T
gr8sh: ?
rainbow-lol: awww
frillypinkdreams: sofiesdanceonroses: frillypinkdreams: If someone makes me this, I will love them forever I’ll see what I can do ;* Whaah ;A; yes please dooooo