Don’t underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak, notice more than you realize. (via micothegreat)
Tag Archives: poetic
Cigarettes are very sad things, if you look at them in a certain way. Watch how the colourless smoke curls into the grey air. Watch how the person holds it – lightly – between their numbed down fingers. And look into their eyes each time they put it to their lips. What do you see …
Don’t take a smile at face value. Everyone is hiding something. Everyone. A dark past, a secret lover, a broken heart, or a damaged soul. But that’s their secret. Let people tell you things when they’re ready to. Don’t push for secrets that aren’t yours to have. Respect them, and you’ll earn their trust. broken …
it’s easy once you start. you’re thirteen and get excited too easily. you want things desperately, try to hold onto them with every force in your body. and when your plans fall through, when you’re sitting in your room hearing somebody talk at you about how sad they are for you: this is where it …
zooeyandfrannyglass: i hate remembering good times that i had with people who ended up being really shitty to me
Sometimes suffering is just suffering. It doesn’t make you stronger. It doesn’t build character. It only hurts. Kate Jacobs, Comfort Food (via tiaxmc)
I hate small talk. I wanna talk about death, aliens, sex, what life means and why we are here. Me (via deindealer)
ridge: thanks for pointing out my flaw haha it’s not like i see it every day or any thing
chavvesty: “i don’t care,” i say, caringly, as i care deeply
Sometimes, you want to say something – but there just aren’t the words. Somehow, there are feelings inside of you that cannot be described. They just are. And there are no words to capture that feeling. broken thoughts (via br-o-ken-poetry)