Tag Archives: poetic
I like drinking tea. It’s like being hugged from the inside when there’s no one to hug you a.h.r. // Haiku, “tea hugs” (via writingsfromdeepinside)
Girls are not machines that you put kindness coins into until sex falls out. Sylvia Plath (via myrisingvoice) oh my god she is a fucking boss (via glowist)
Hard-working people, and poor, most of them, in worldly goods—but how rich in compassion! How filled with the goodness of humanity and the spiritual steel forged by centuries of oppression! There was the honest joy of laughter in these homes, folk-wit and story, hearty appetites for life as for the nourishing greens and black-eyed peas …
Give light and people will find the way. Ella Baker (via kushandwizdom) Good Vibes HERE
I love the rain. I love how it softens the outlines of things. The world becomes softly blurred, and I feel like I melt right into it. Hanamoto Hagumi, Honey and Clover (via teenager90s)
luxylicious: instagram: @loremaesje