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Tag Archives: poetic
rosy-daisies: l-ush: forever reblog ♡ rosy-daisies BUBBLEGUM PRINCES OVER HEREE ♡
Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. Rumi (via mermaidcunt)
floralet: rosy-kissess: be-gorg: ♥ more rosy/bubblegum ♥ queued x if youre feeling alone or need to tell someone about what youre going through, even if its anonymously, please know my ask is always open and i can talk to you about anything youre going through! love you stay strong :*
rosy-daisies: caaandy-apple: omg…. yup ✰♥ bubblegum princess over here, click for magic (rosy-daisies) ♥✰
rosy-ruby: rosy♡
requnzel: delayd: ♡ follow back similar blogs ♡ ♡ pale, following back similar ♡