Tag Archives: text
You shouldn’t chase people. You should know that you are important enough and deserve the time and attention just like everyone else. You shouldn’t run after people to prove that you matter and exist. You are worth it, more than you could ever imagine. You are a star that could sparkle on anyone’s night sky. …
Relax. You will become an adult. You will figure out your career. You will find someone who loves you. You have a whole lifetime; time takes time. Johanna de Silentio (via crazeist)
Click here to support We need a place to call home by Jocelynn Mikkosmommy
Click here to support We need a place to call home by Jocelynn Mikkosmommy Sharing for support
The “Sensitive to vibes” squad
zodiac-sp0t: Sagittarius, Pisces, Aquarius, Libra, Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo
somehow, you are lost in her eyes even though you know the names of all the colors you are drowning in. she is the kind of path you always want to wander, she is the kind of song you find yourself humming on the quietest of nights, she is the kind of love that screams …
This heartache looked like buckled knees on a gravel side street; the last look you get of the taillights before the car turns the corner. We tried. We tried keeping this up as long as we could, knowing full well how bloody this would be when we had to leave. How badly I wanted …
faeneko: src
I always need inhuman proof that I’ve been missed, that I’m still needed, loved… William Goldman, The Princess Bride (via exoticwild)