like taking your breath away, like forgetting what music sounds like, like having to learn how a heart beats all over again, like never seeing the stars again, like feeling nothing but cold, cold cold, like not knowing the answers even to the questions that are carved into your very being, like not living, you …

the grandma aesthetic™

starmoons: nude pinks/creme/beige sweaters are the best things ever invented hands down cats!!!!!!!!!!!! cats your bedroom always smells of burning candles taking care of cute lil plants wearing simple dainty jewelry (bonus points if u own lockets and pearls) nails are painted 24/7 ideal bedtime is before midnight drinking coffee/tea in the mornings owning tons …

y0un0y0u: bechdels: growing up finding girls attractive without registering it as attraction sucks because you basically end up weirdly fixated on them but also super insecure and competitive SOMEONE PUT IT INTO WORDS

Do you ever realize how badly you’re going to miss a moment while you’re living it? Like wow, these are the good days. I am here and I am happy and I feel alive. (via foreverrwanderlust)

desiderium (dɛs ɪˈdɪər i əm), noun | an ardent longing for something or someone you lost; a yearning grief. etymology: Desiderium comes from the Latin verb dēsīderāre, meaning “to long for; require.” (via idesofjuly)