meanplastic: I’m so fucking tired of not being a multimillionaire
Tag Archives: text
uchiprincess: Last year the cicadas were so bad I cut down every tree in my town. Don’t fuck with me cicadas I will end you.
memoryslandscape: I know that in the last days,all I’ll have is memory:so, yes, I’ll need the milkweed, the hairstyle, all the weteidetic leaves— to take with mewhen I wade without youthrough summer grassgrown tallerthan my sight. Christina Pugh, closing lines to “Cicadas,” Memorious (no. 1, March 2004)
Love is what we are born with, fear is what we learn. Unknown (via words-of-emotion)
Spring air – Woven moon And plum scent. Basso (via dollfacefairy)
thetrippytrip: En Pointe Dance Studio
Things to have in your natural hair routine
truuqueen: • deep conditioning treatments • protein treatments • apple cider vinegar rinses • clay masks • hot oil treatments
The Universe sends us exactly what we are ready for at the exact time we need it in our lives. (via beautifully-invincible)
I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It’s probably the most important thing in a person. Audrey Hepburn (via sddp)