because im perfect: aries, gemini, leo, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius because im the bitch who never learns: taurus, cancer, virgo, libra, scorpio, pisces
Tag Archives: text
It’s not you. It’s anyone. Sometimes I don’t want anyone around. Some afternoons I lie on my bed and the light comes through the shutters on the floor and I think I never want to leave my own room. Joan Didion, Run River (via wordsnquotes)
ma-demoiselle-cherie: — Homer, The Iliad
It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart. Rainer Maria Rilke (via oh-girl-among-the-roses)
shadiobrando: honestly don’t give people more attention than they give you
gudeboy: gudeboy: sleeplessangels: credit & where to get !!! tHANK YOU!! btw these are now back in stock
I really don’t care about what anyone thinks of me. I am who I am, I do what I want & I don’t live to please you. (via words-of-emotion) (via words-of-emotion)
adorleehaze: wish list of non existent things: an elaborate music box of a ballet at the Palais Garnier, bath salts that change you half-nymph, a book of moon on water dances translated to English or French.
ruiiro: *glares*