flowerais: the tiny specks of colour in their eyes the bass and background sounds in a song starlight on a cloudy night how someone looks when they think nobody can see them the mannerisms of a stranger real meanings behind spoken words subtle facial expressions which last a second the underlying flavours in food emotions …
Tag Archives: text
yuri on ice got me like
levisjean: at my funeral: “We now mourn the death of our friend by playing a song that meant so much to them.” *music starts to play* can you hear… my heartbeat… me: *breaks out of coffin* TIRED OF FEELING NEVER ENOUGH
You tried to change, didn’t you? Closed your mouth more, tried to be softer, prettier, less volatile, less awake… You can’t make homes out of human beings. Someone should have already told you that.
kissing his lips should have tasted like honey, instead they stung like a thorn. his voice once a soothing lullaby now was that of a siren in a thunderstorm. you never belonged to me, but i was always yours. Made From The Dark
pinklilies: my edit || src
We’re alive. I’m thankful for that. J.T. Barnett
6 Steps to Accepting Yourself
onlinecounsellingcollege: 1. Accept that everybody makes mistakes. It’s part of learning, and the main way we grow. 2. Accept your body as it gives you life. Choose to love and to nourish it. Also, every single body is different and unique. So, choose to find and focus on those features you can love. 3. Accept …
jessabella-hime: {💝} ~ [🌸]
Fight for your dreams, and your dreams will fight for you. Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist (via amargedom)
While there’s an innocence about her, it’s the wild in her eyes that’s alluring. J. Iron Word